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Interview Dr. Sebastian Fudickar

No quod sanctus instructior ius, et intellegam interesset duo. Vix cu nibh gubergren dissentias. His velit veniam habemus ne. No doctus neglegentur vituperatoribus est, qui ad ipsum oratio. Ei duo dicant facilisi, qui at harum democritum consetetur.
PD Dr. habil. Sebastian Fudickar

Foto: Guido Kollmeier


Introduction of Dr. Sebastian Fudickar - Head of the junior research group (JRG) MoveGroup in the HiGHmed consortium.

Since October 2023, the JRG CDS2USE at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden has been coordinating an JRG network with the aim of strengthening the visibility of the JRG and creating opportunities for networking. In this context, we would like to introduce Dr. Sebastian Fudickar in more detail. Sebastian Fudickar leads the junior research group MoveGroup from the HiGHmed consortium and was elected to the National Steering Committee (NSG) as spokesperson for the junior research groups. This gives the NSG a face and a voice.

HiGHmed: Sebastian, you have been working in medical informatics (MI) for a long time. What fascinates you about it?

SF: "What fascinates me about medical informatics is that we can use modern technologies such as sensors and apps, for example wearables and smartphone applications, to record medically relevant digital biomarkers. An essential part of this work is the extraction of these biomarkers using machine learning methods, particularly in the case of neurological movement disorders. This data helps to improve medical screenings, diagnoses, therapy planning and follow-up. In the MoveGroup junior research group, I am focussing on developing standards and technologies to integrate these digital biomarkers into hospital information systems (HIS), for example by specifying FHIR profiles."


HiGHmed: You have also been the head of the junior research group Project MoveGroup for years now. What are you working on?

SF: "The 21 JRGs of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) will be funded with around 30 million euros between 2020 and 2026 as a substructure for newly established medical informatics professorships. The JRGs will work on scientifically relevant future topics that build on the successes of the MII and open them up for further research questions. This takes place in particular in the fields of bioinformatics and medical signaling, image and text processing, but also includes topics in the field of data integration. Young scientists are given the opportunity to become independent researchers. The heads have free access to their research funds and decide independently on the acquisition of third-party funding and the recruitment of staff within the project budget."


HiGHmed: Why do you think the concept of junior research groups is important in medical research?

SF: "The JRGs are provided with excellent facilities and are exempt from teaching duties, so that they have the outstanding opportunity to focus fully on their scientific profile. This can be done, for example, by publishing project results, completing doctoral projects and applying for further funding projects."

HiGHmed: You were elected to the NSG as a representative of the junior research groups. What do you expect from this? What are the goals?

SF: "By representing the JRGs in the NSG, the JRGs will be more closely linked with the other activities of the Medical Informatics Initiative and with other initiatives such as the NUM. This gives the JRGs an information channel for important decisions within the MII as well as a mouthpiece for bringing needs to the decision-making level."


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