Our HiGHmed Vision
The health sector is challenged with an ever-increasing variety of data types and data sources, including large amounts of clinically relevant data generated by traditional and new medical devices. Additionally, modern medicine is confronted with an unprecedented flood of data arising from recent technological breakthroughs, for instance in genome sequencing, imaging and remote sensing, which are becoming part of routine clinical care at an ever-growing pace.
Despite the massive increase in data sources, diversity and volume, only a surprisingly small fraction of data is currently integrated for routine processes in clinical practice. This integration is mainly hindered by a lack of sophisticated IT structures which could provide clinicians with a holistic view on all available data for optimal diagnosis and treatment. At the same time those data sets, which are often unique and invaluable, are not available for research purposes, which in turn hinders clinical research and the translation of research results into clinical practice.
HiGHmed is working on new, dialogue-capable medical informatics solutions with the aim of making medical patient data usable across locations for clinical research and education. Ultimately, we want to contribute to better patient care. Our long-term goal is to create a technology platform that enables physicians to make data-based and patient-centred decisions.

Through a strong commitment towards data sciences in health, HiGHmed identifies, addresses and resolves the most important issues in medical informatics that modern health care and research are confronted with. HiGHmed leverages the complementary expertise of its members and partners and works on the development of open, interoperable and research-compatible solutions to support local and cross-institutional patient care and research.
We want to have a direct impact on clinical practice and research and ultimately enable a swift rollout of new technologies for the benefit of patients.