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DZHK & HiGHmed Symposium: Innovative approaches for cardiology

No quod sanctus instructior ius, et intellegam interesset duo. Vix cu nibh gubergren dissentias. His velit veniam habemus ne. No doctus neglegentur vituperatoribus est, qui ad ipsum oratio. Ei duo dicant facilisi, qui at harum democritum consetetur.


Heidelberg, 24.09.2020. Experts of the German center for cardiovascular diseases (Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen) and the HiGHmed-consortium of the medicine informatics initiative discussed within the first DZHK-HiGHmed-symposium on 21. and 22. of September in Heidelberg about innovative approaches for cardiology.

The link between different data from Imaging, molecular diagnostic, electronic patient record as well as information, which are gathered via wearable sensors like smart watches by the patients, will face huge challenges in the traditional healthcare sector. “Our Aim is to demonstrate the great potential of digitalization and to utilize it for the good of all patients, outlined Prof. Dr. Christoph Dieterich, organizer of the symposium and director of the Klaus Tschira Institute for Computational Cardiology at university hospital Heidelberg at the beginning of the event.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Dieterich (head of Klaus Tschira Institute for Computational Cardiology) welcomes Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandy Engelhardt (teamleader of the AG Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular Medicine) as a speaker.

The mutual and ongoing dialogue between medicine and computer science is of utmost importance to reach this goal and to push digitalization towards the next level. Thus, subjects like machine learning concepts within image-based data and medical texts, the use of individual molecular analyses as well as data merging of heterogeneous data sources, were addressed and discussed in detail.

Click here to see the full video footage of the symposium.

  • Alexander Knapstein from INSPIRATIONlabs (Heidelberg) outlines the advantage of augmented reality in the field of cardiological teaching and science.

  • Prof. Norbert Frey (right) moderated the session about Patient-Centric Molecular Medicine and discussed with Prof. Norbert Hübner (MDC) the topic of cell subtypes at the heart.

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