
The importance of digital skills for the medicine of the future

Written by Press & Public Relations | 1 Feb, 21 8:00 AM

The new episode of the podcast „Digitization of Medicine“ points out that IT skills shortage is a major challenge, also for the healthcare sector. Because digital medicine needs experts from medical informatics in order to promote the development of new offers and future-oriented innovations as well as to realize the safe operation of the systems. But doctors with extensive skills in patient-centered, future-oriented use of digital applications are also needed to enable improved healthcare.

This time PD Dr. Bettina Baeßler is a guest who talks about digital skills and to what extent these are already part of medical studies and how great their importance will be for the medicine of the future. PD Dr. Bettina Baeßler is a specialist in radiology and is working on the current revision and implementation of the National Competence Based Catalogues of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Education (NKLM).

Prof. Dagmar Krefting will also be there – in her role as head of the HiGHmed Teaching Group (HiGHmeducation), the head of the Institute for Medical Informatics at Göttingen University Medical Center presents a concrete solution for how university education at the interface between informatics and medicine can be strengthened with the help of digital learning modules. Interested in this exciting topic? Then click here for the new episode.

An overview of all other episodes of the podcast you can find here.