
Over 4.000 follow-ups conducted!

Written by Press & Public Relations | 20 Apr, 23 13:34 PM

In the HiGHmed Use Case Cardiology, over 4.000 follow-ups were conducted.
2-3 million people in Germany are diagnosed with cardiac insufficiency – a disease with a poor prognosis, which is often associated with comorbidities and permanently restricts the quality of life of the affected patients. In addition, it is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization (465.000 cases in 2018).
The goal of the HiGHmed Use Case Cardiology is a better understanding of this heart disease. After informing patients and obtaining their consent, the patient's data from routine clinical care is transferred to the Medical Data Integration Center (MeDIC) of the respective location. By means of half-yearly telephone inquiries (so-called follow-ups), repeated hospital stays, e.g. due to worsening heart failure and deaths are recorded and stored in the MeDICs for research purposes.
Until now, data has already been collected from more than 4.000 patients across all locations (follow-up). A total of over 10.000 of these follow-ups were carried out. As part of cross-site evaluations, the routine and follow-up data recorded should help to identify warning signals for a worsening of the disease at an early stage. Thus, we are looking forward to the results and are excited about what else can be learned about this disease.
These are the sites of the HiGHmed Use Case Cardiology: University Hospital Heidelberg, University Medical Center Göttingen, Hannover Medical School, University Hospital Würzburg, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel), Carl-Thiem-Klinikum Cottbus and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
More information about the Use Case Cardiology is available here: