
First participant receives HiGHmeducation certificate

Written by Press & Public Relations | 17 Mar, 22 7:30 AM

With the successful participation in three HiGHmeducation modules, the first HiGHmeducation certificate was issued in February 2022.

In three consecutive semesters, the participant had continuously and successfully completed the modules "Decision Support in Medicine", "Digitalization of Medicine" and "Participatory Medical Information Management".

Digitization in medicine is changing professional life throughout the healthcare sector. Specialists and students need an offer for flexible and demand-oriented education and training. This is where the HiGHmed certificate program comes in. The modular structure allows for a specific selection of topics, and the design of the online courses allows for individual scheduling. All modules can be taken independently of each other and certified with a certificate of achievement.

If all modules of a certificate group have been successfully completed, students receive the HiGHmed certificate. The HiGHmed certificate program is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII). The modular teaching is dovetailed with the academic curricula of various healthcare professions. Graduates are therefore assured of gaining valuable skills in a challenging and professionally up-to-date certificate program.

The HiGHmeducation certificate program is part of the HiGHmed Consortium's activities to strengthen medical informatics within the MII.

For more information about HiGHmeducation, please visit their new website: